Pediatric dentists are the pediatricians of dentistry. They are specially trained for children's unique dental health needs.
There is nothing more beautiful than a child's smile by a pediatric dentist.
A pediatric dentist is one who deals with all kinds of dental problems for children and are highly trained to manage and treat children, by creating a friendly environment suitable for the child. To help a child stay totally healthy, the pediatric dentist often works with pediatricians, other physicians and other dental specialists.
Implementing oral hygiene measures no later than the time of eruption of the first primary tooth. Tooth brushing should be performed for children by a parent twice daily, using a soft toothbrush of age-appropriate size. All children under the age of three, a 'smear' or 'rice-size' amount of fluoridated toothpaste should be used.
It is the specialty that provides both primary and complete oral health care for infants and children till adolescence including those with special health care needs. Our team focuses on providing comprehensive dental care for the child with special emphasis on the preventive programs in a completely child friendly atmosphere.
Good oral hygiene removes bacteria and the left over food particles that combine to create cavities. For infants, use a wet gauze or clean washcloth to wipe the plaque from teeth and gums. Avoid putting your child to bed with a bottle filled with anything other than water.